Thursday, May 29, 2014

The Snatches Done Snatched Away My Ability To Compse

It is at least entirely possible that FB is causing my lapse in note writting. Facebookland has me in the habit of writing short messages, and while some of these are packed with meaning, these little snatches make it such that I've not much to say in a slightly longer setting. I love the little zingers that I send out, and I feel all crafty and wonderful about how clever I was/am/will be, but I should totally be in the habit of writing more! Especially as I step back into the teaching world as an English sensei, it is my desire to lead by example. While I've never succesfully blogged over a long period of time, I shall make new my attempt to demonstrate decent writting. I cannot promise what I have to say is of any particular interest to... well... pretty much anybody. But then the name of my blog IS "Gaseous Admissions" afterall...